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Sales Tips

Rule 1: Ask Questions

Rule 2: Be a good listener.

Let the other person do the talking.

When a person is talking, they feel more in charge of the situation.


Questions are the salesperson’s most persuasive weapon. And the good thing about questions is that you can use them time and time again on the same prospective customer and sell more each time.


Questions and answers combined create a dialogue and a dialogue is much more effective than a classic sales pitch.


We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less.




Rule 3: Make the other person feel

important & do it sincerely.

The most un-persuasive words in the world are “I” and “we.”


The most persuasive word is “YOU.


And your only interest (YOU the customer) is what I (the seller) can DO for YOU today, tomorrow and beyond.


Carnegie did a survey to find the most often used word in the English language. They found that the word "I" was used 5x more often than any other word and yet, when tested by university teachers, it was found that this was the most unpersuasive word in the world.


Rule 4: Show Respect for the other

person's opinions.

Rule #1 in business is "The customer is always right."


Rule #2 in business is "If the customer is wrong, see rule number 1."


If you respond to any of your customer’s ideas with little or no consideration or discussion but with an instant alternative proposal of your own, you might as well have said

“Yeah, yeah, yeah and all that! Now here’s MY really brilliant idea.”


Like it or not, your customers prefer the sound of their own voice just as much as you prefer the sound of yours.


Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other

person's interests. 


The fact is, we rarely persuade anyone to do anything: people persuade themselves.


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